[OPEN SOURCE] Scene Manager plugin | Scene switching system

v 1.1

Install plugin


Download source code SceneManager.rbx (82.4 KB)


This plug-in creates a system of scenes and allows you to switch them quickly. This is very convenient for both the builder and the programmer.

After you switch scenes, the folders change. The ConfigScene module is generated to save object references in the scripts:

local ConfigScene = {
Dev_Building =  game.ServerStorage.Scene.Dev_Building,
Game =  game.Workspace.Scene.Game,
Testing =  game.ServerStorage.Scene.Testing,
Book =  game.ServerStorage.Scene.Book,
}; --close ConfigScene

 return ConfigScene

This is generated automatically. You do not need to do anything.



Demo and install

SceneManager - YouTube


  • 16.02.2022
    Fixed saving parameter isReplacted.
    Now when switching the isReplacted checkbox, the multiple choice mode is not reset.

  • 31.01.2022
    -Added ability to select multiple scenes at once.
    -It is possible to specify which scenes will be activated immediately after the game starts. It is possible to disable this function completely by turning off the checkboxes.
    -Before installation, the plugin shows you which files and folders it will create in your project.
    -Added a hotkey to quickly switch scenes.

A framework for plug-ins

The plug-in interface is based on this framework.


Interesting, hmm… I can’t think of a use case of the top of my head but good job!

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Good job! Why is the video in russian though?


probably because the creator is russian


Thank you! I don’t know English. If someone could record a voiceover, or a video review, that would be great!

I have taken user requests into account and added new features.

-Added ability to select multiple scenes at once.
-It is possible to specify which scenes will be activated immediately after the game starts. It is possible to disable this function completely by turning off the checkboxes.
-Before installation, the plugin shows you which files and folders it will create in your project.
-Added a hotkey to quickly switch scenes.

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eh. will be better, if he add subtitles then.