this is pretty cool but where would i need to change stuff to lets sayy make thıs work on a sword item (and modify ıt to act lıke a sword)
i’ll probably have to make a second release for that support, if you want to do it yourself you’d have to change the script in characterhandler that handles the M1s
How much work might this be if it takes long but I get to keep if fairly similar to the original Iigjt be able to do it (not the best coder tho)
just a little bit of work i guess idk??
Ima try be back if I get interesting results
hey! been using this for awhile. how do I detect when a player kills an npc with this combat system?
you could probably go in the combat script in serverscriptservice and do an if statement, if the damage is above the npc’s health during the :TakeDamage statement then define it as a kill
maybe someday i’ll revamp this and i’ll make it better, i just need animators to be honest and i could wrap up a better combat system for people to use
hey dhow do I rogue the lineage using this combat?
hey do you think you could possibly put this into a single tool?
(if so thank you)
maybe sometime if i get some freetime
Ok sounds good . very cool combat system too
Really helped me to understand some basic stuff ty
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that there’s a glitch where if you are walking around, the hitbox stays behind. Same thing when you punch looking one way and suddenly turn, the hitbox is at the first position.
this is called latency, look into it (it happens in every game)
Oh ok. Sorry I’ve asked like 5 questions on this one topic so far lol, but how would I add an uppercut and downcut to this system? Thank you for replying to each question I have, and I apologize for having so many
Client hitboxes prevent this issue. It doesn’t happen in every game.
client hitboxes should only be used for velocity-based moves
Nuh uh, why should they? Client hitboxes should be used generally
because of security issues? hitbox extension?
Same thing as people flying and teleporting on the server, also, just make the server send the hitbox size and information and do a magnitude check when recieving hit players with a server debounce, its as secure as you can make it