Open Sourced Default Loading Screen

Continuing from this topic, I now present you with Roblox’s default loading screen, with customization.
What it can do:

  1. Use of DisplayNames (instead of username);
  2. Additional Text (replaces the “Joining Server”, “Waiting for an available server” text;
  3. Timer (0 means waits for the game to load, 1 or higher in seconds to manually wait)
  4. UI customization [change the color of the background, change the color of logo spinner, move around UI elements (of course if you delete something you should first check the script for what’s important)]
  5. X button for kick, coming with kick message too! (Of course)
    Thanks to @R0bl0x10501050 for the suggestion.
  6. CoreGui fixing! (Disabled and re-enabling CoreGui Elements)

All of the above are optional

I put comments before different lines to mark what was the function/variable/event gonna do.

…And many more choices!

Model Type
Place Type (42.3 KB) (Doesn’t work on local file)

Tell me if you encounter any bugs or glitches!

Thanks for using my resource!


Ngl, this is actually pretty useful. Does the ‘X’ in the corner kick on MouseButton1Click/touchtap?

I haven’t added the X button since I didn’t add the implementation of CoreGui elements, and if I would’ve added the X the CoreGui would overlap. I am trying my best right now to implement the feature.
Both fixes added!


Looks cool!
Thank you man :cowboy_hat_face:

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