Open-sourced fading door

Take the door here:

This is a free door I quickly created, which fades using TweenService. If you have no idea how to script, this door is for you. It’s open-sourced as well, so you know what you’re putting inside of your game.

All you need to do is configure the values in the Configuration folder. Here’s how to do it:


Screen Shot 2021-02-05 at 11.53.22 AM

The script will read these values and assign them accordingly.


  • ClickPart [ObjectValue] = Assign a part to the value, and the script will create a new ClickDetector instance in that part.
  • OpenTime [NumberValue] = Number of seconds the door will be open once clicked
  • TweenSeconds [NumberValue] = Number of seconds the door will take to open

Group Settings: (GroupId + RankAllowed only work if isGroupEnabled is true)

  • isGroupEnabled [BoolValue] = For group compatibility - set to true if you want it to be group-only
  • GroupId [NumberValue] = ID of desired group allowed*
  • RankAllowed [NumberValue] = RoleSet above allowed of desired group allowed*

I created this low-poly barn door to showcase how the tweening works. Place parts that you don’t want to have tweened outside of the Geometry folder.

No credit is needed, enjoy!


I’m pretty sure any scripter on the DevForum would be able to do this. This is awesome for beginners though!

They could also take a look at the script and learn something from it. It’s a very simple method of TweenService. I see a lot of people using for loops for fading even though this is an easier and more efficient way of doing so