Open-Sourced Fighting Game

Hello Developers,

Recently, I have open-sourced an old fighting game from February and was scheduled to release in Spring 2019, however, due to me getting bored with the project, it was never released.

Up until now, that project was closed-source. However, as of the time of writing, it is now open-sourced.

So, what does this place include?

  1. A simple lobby
  2. Two maps made by me
  3. Some scripts to handle the game

“But what can I do with it?”, you may ask.

Well here are some ways you can add upon this game!

  1. Create more maps
  2. Add in an in-game shop
  3. Redesign the default lobby
  4. And so much more!

This game was based on AlvinBlox’s tutorial on how to make a game, from part 1 to part 4.

If you want to check it out, here’s the game link: (OPEN-SOURCE) fighting game - Roblox

Too lazy to click on the link? You can download it here.
fighting_game.rbxl (152.8 KB)

(please note that this works in-game, but not in Studio)

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