Flag Testing Service
Hey all!
Today I’d like to share with you a module I recently created named “EchosTestingService” to allow for easily testing features in studio without publishing them to a live-game.
What are ‘Flags’?
In computing, a flag is value that acts as a signal for a function or process. In short, they’re used to decide the next step of a program. Roblox also makes use of flags which they typically use to enable features in studio which aren’t yet accessible through the client / live game server.
What can it do and how do I use it?
This module can be used to create a flag for unreleased features in your live-game that you wish to test easily in studio without pushing them to the actual game. For example, imagine you have a shop of 100 different hats but there’s one particular grey hat you don’t wish for users to see just yet. Your code would look something like this:
The flags are structured as shown below:
If you ask the service to find a flag that doesn’t exist, it’ll return false.
The Model
You can find the model here:
I’ll be updating this module with useful features as they come to mind.
All suggestions are welcome
Everything is documented in the module!!!
Thanks, as said before, suggestions are always welcome!
Side Note - A Potential Cinematic cutscene editor plugin
I am a univeristy undergraduate beginning to work on my final year dissertation in games technology and I’m in the middle of deciding to use Roblox as the IDE of my choice to develop an open sourced cinematic cutscene editor, or some other potential project ideas in other IDEs.
I have chosen a cinematic cutscene editor as (please correct me if i’m wrong), I don’t believe there’s no full cinematic cutscene editors on Roblox that can control as much as possible like animation applications such as blender and 3dsmax.
I’m just curious, and it’ll help me a great deal with my dissertation choice if I could get a response from anyone who’s interested.
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