[OPEN SOURCED] ProjectileHandler V2.2


I wanted to share that I’ve recently been working on a Custom ProjectileHandler from the ground up, except for the bullet drop.

If you encounter any bugs or issues, please let me know.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I understand that some parts might be confusing, but there shouldn’t be a need to change the server code since everything is included, apart from the bullet effects ( wich u gotta do urself if u want effects ) like explosions.

If there’s anything I’ve missed, or if you have any feedback or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate you telling me. I know that adding more comments in the code would help provide more info, and I’ll consider doing that in newer version’s of the system.

Thank you for your time, and I appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have!

if the tutorial video gets taken down anytime soon tell me so i can reupload it

projHandlerV2.2.rbxm (19.0 KB)

External Media
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from first glance of reading this, this sounds more like a resource then a tutorial, so #resources:community-resources

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meaning i should change the toppic? (updated the text btw)

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Yes change the topic, otherwise good stuff!


alright thanks! is it really neccesory to do so? (since its a resource and a small tutorial)

if you think its neccesory to do so ill do it.

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probably best to change it, there are people here who think they are just godly the second the start flagging peoples posts, so best to do it

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Alright thanks! is it better now?

Yup! Nice work!
As someone who loves fps games I’ll probably try out this resource later! Tysm!

Thanks!, this is part 1/(3/4) of the system(s) i would be releasing ( being based on fps frameworks )
