Hello!. after a few days of reworking and tweaking i can finally introduce my simple track system for
public use!.
my first time releasing something to the public so feel free to tell me some feedback and advices so that i can improve in the future
What this system does is generated a dynamic tank track using code instead of letting the physics
engine handle it. making it more less glitchy and performant that traditional constraint tracks. it also includes a basic LOD system so it will not render tracks that are too far away.
and add this code to the wheelspeed function inside the track module script (if you deleted the commented out code)
for i, v: BasePart in ipairs(wheels) do
local actualwheelpart: BasePart = v:GetJoints()[1].Part0.Parent.Wheel --or the actual wheel part thats spinning
if actualwheelpart.Parent.Name == "DriveWheel" then
local dot2 = vector.dot(actualwheelpart.AssemblyLinearVelocity, v.CFrame.LookVector)
spd = (actualwheelpart.AssemblyAngularVelocity.Magnitude * (actualwheelpart.Size.Z/2)) * math.clamp(dot2, -1, 1)
Hey! i was interesed in this but i am too lazy to set it up properly myself, i saw the game on your profile called “amazing tank system” could i perhaps use it in my own game and u could tell me how? we can talk on discord if you have one!