Open sourced Simple tank track System

Hello!. after a few days of reworking and tweaking i can finally introduce my simple track system for
public use!.

my first time releasing something to the public so feel free to tell me some feedback and advices so that i can improve in the future :happy3:

What this system does is generated a dynamic tank track using code instead of letting the physics
engine handle it. making it more less glitchy and performant that traditional constraint tracks. it also includes a basic LOD system so it will not render tracks that are too far away.

(updated the link, i pasted the wrong link )

tell me if there’s any issues!


Pretty cool and smooth movement.

Can you make a drivable tank chassis where the tracks move relative to the speed you are driving?

I kicked up the speed and it looks nice!

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Exactly what I have been looking for, a great learning material

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sure here,

and add this code to the wheelspeed function inside the track module script (if you deleted the commented out code)

for i, v: BasePart in ipairs(wheels) do
	local actualwheelpart: BasePart = v:GetJoints()[1].Part0.Parent.Wheel --or the actual wheel part thats spinning
	if actualwheelpart.Parent.Name == "DriveWheel" then
		local dot2 =, v.CFrame.LookVector)

		spd = (actualwheelpart.AssemblyAngularVelocity.Magnitude * (actualwheelpart.Size.Z/2)) * math.clamp(dot2, -1, 1)

This is a lifesaver. It’s almost perfect for what I needed, although the reset in the cycle is pretty noticeable at low speeds (and with materials)


that’s amazing!. i forgot to mention the downside of my track system is that all the track parts must look EXACTLY the same or else that happens

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Hey! i was interesed in this but i am too lazy to set it up properly myself, i saw the game on your profile called “amazing tank system” could i perhaps use it in my own game and u could tell me how? we can talk on discord if you have one!