Open Sourcing Creator Docs!

W, I’m going to make some PR rq.

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This is great! I believed that only concern open source software which using are documentation, im so excited for more about this features!

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Is there any plans to sometime speed this process up? I mean with due respect a “few business days” seem like quite a bit to wait for changes to actually be applied. I know the systems are a bit different but imagine if you made an edit on Wikipedia and you had to wait a few days before it actually appeared.


I don’t care. If it helps someone write and doesn’t produce bad content, there’s nothing wrong being done. Why even bring this up?


this is great, cant wait to contribute even if its just a small change!

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With the previous Roblox wiki or documentation site there were community posts by more known devs etc its not necessarily new

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Because we don’t want all contributions to just be ai generated articles. More than half the time, when I see someone use AI, they don’t proofread like they’re supposed to.

I doubt it’s allowed regardless because all PRs have to be manually approved before they’re pushed to production.

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This is amazing! I’ve always been a believer of open-source products and it’s great to see that we, the community, can finally contribute to the Creator Docs!

I can’t wait to start adding to this :books:


I’m fairly sure he means at most a few business days (like if there are a lot of PRs). I did a PR and it was live only a few hours later (at least that’s when I checked).

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Open sourcing changed our build process internally, but we’re working on getting our build times down and build windows wider. It’s motivating to see your changes right after they are merged :slight_smile:


this is the biggest thing since sliced bread

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This is a good change. I thank everyone at Roblox who sought to make this happen!

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They probably don’t but they check if it’s properly written so it wouldn’t make much of a difference.

In addition you can also make it open source the page in a zip that opens the web page for browser and also place in epub format(I think it would allow reading in play books ) to read and mobi(I think you could see the text in Amazon kindle) and txt(it would allow reading in plain text viewer).

Are there moderators that check the pages, Saying something is now “open source” in today’s age opens up a gate for trolls, vandals, and other bad people.

Changes are submitted via pull requests, which need to be manually approved and merged by staff. Vandalism shouldn’t be a problem.

Hi everyone, bumping this thread, because we just added the Engine API documentation to the open source repository! If you’re reading the Engine API documentation today, you should now see an Edit button on each page that will take you to the appropriate YAML file.

Adding the API documentation has been a frequent request from creators, so we’re incredibly excited to have it out and available. We’re hoping to get code samples open sourced in the coming months, but this release goes a long ways towards fulfilling our vision of a more open, more collaborative, more community-focused set of documentation. I hope to see you all on GitHub!


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