Update November 2, 2023: As of today, the Engine API documentation has been added to the open source repository! You’ll now see the Edit button when reading those pages on create.roblox.com. We’ve merged a couple hundred pull requests already—some of them truly extraordinary—and can’t wait to keep working with everyone on making the documentation even better. Thank you!
Hi Creators,
We are excited to announce that the documentation at create.roblox.com is now open source on GitHub! We’ve heard from so many creators that they rely on documentation to bring their experiences to life and have great ideas for how to improve the content, but there’s no way for them to contribute.
Starting today, you can submit GitHub pull requests to tweak confusing wordings, correct inaccuracies, fix typos, or even add whole new pages. Permissive licensing means you can incorporate writing and code samples into your own projects.
The first step to contributing is to read the documentation just like you do today. If you spot a problem or want to improve something, click the Edit button. You’ll be redirected to GitHub and asked to either create an account or log in. At this point, you can use GitHub’s web-based editor to make minor changes or do a full fork-clone-branch workflow for larger updates. The documentation team will review the pull request and work with you to incorporate it into our content.
If you’ve used GitHub before, the process should feel very familiar. If you’re new to GitHub, we’ve documented how to contribute in README.md.
Using consistent language helps the documentation feel unified and cohesive, even if a large number of writers have contributed to it. We haven’t published a comprehensive style guide, but do have a number of broad guidelines in STYLE.md.
The repository uses two open-source licenses:
- Prose is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, so you can remix and adapt it into your own work as long as you provide proper attribution.
- Code samples are available under the MIT License so that you can freely incorporate them into your experiences.
What if I want to report a bug?
No changes to bug reports—we still gratefully accept them in the Bug Reports forum.
What’s next?
For now, we have the creator guides, and the Engine API documentation is coming soon NOW LIVE. We’re also looking to further streamline the contribution process, along with adding new ways for creators to write and share knowledge that might not have a home within the documentation.
Lastly, we’re excited to build a stronger feedback loop with the community and make it easier to report documentation bugs.
Stay tuned for more information. Thank you!