About Me
Hola, bienvenidos a mi portafolio! Hello, and welcome to my portfolio, my name is Victor and I am a Spanish Translator for Roblox games, and websites.
I am a native Spanish speaker, born in Mexico and with outstanding grammar and knowledge of the language. I have lived there for most of my life.
I have also earned experience in the English language, which I can speak fluently as I have recently moved to Canada.
Why should you pick me as Spanish as a Roblox Game Translator?
I am a native speaker, and proud Mexican.
I understand both English and Spanish very well and have a good sense of words.
A lot of Spanish Speaking people do not understand English.
Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world, amazing, right?
Also, the Spanish speaking community is one of the biggest, and probably the second biggest in all of Roblox after the English speaking community.
By you adding Spanish translations to your games, you build a more inclusive game and community bringing you more players, and revenue.
Past Work
Iβve helped my mother which she works at a Marketing company to translate some simple documents for her whenever she was very busy. From her personal perspective as also someone who mastered the Spanish language she says I have a great sense of words, and amazing translations.
Sadly, I donβt have any games to show you that I have translated for, but I have worked in a few personal projects and tests in Roblox.
I am available around 10AM EST to 9PM EST every day.
Prices are sure negotiable, but here are my basic rates:
30-45Robux ~ 0.25-0.35 USD through PayPal PER STRING
If you have an amount of 500+ strings I will offer a 10% discount.
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at VictorHimself#0938
Thanks for reading!