About me
I am Superdude. I am a professional Low Poly modeler that has been on roblox since 2015. I have 2 years of blender experience and live on the EST (Eastern standard time) timezone. I got into modeling mid-2019 and started creating UGC items in hopes of getting accepted. I specialise In enviornmental, and accessory asset creation. I do NOT build maps and are NOT looking to get into long term positions.
About my work
As stated before, I am a low poly modeler. I do have experience with UV editing and can give the build colors but for a bit extra (I assure you this is the best way of texturing. Seperate meshes and manual solid colors requires way too much effort and can look wierd.). I do NOT create interiors. I can create things like small objects, buildings, environment assets, etc. and, I may be able to create something larger-scale upon request. However:
I have the right to deny any request.
No hate symbols (Swastikas, anti LGBTQ+, etc.)
Prices are always negotiable
Final price is final price, no last minute changes. (this also means you cannot cancel by the time the model is done)
A reference image for what you want me to build is very encouraged. Even a simple, poorly drawn MS paint picture is nice. However, if you want me to make something simple, I may be able to work without one.
What I can’t do.
I’ve already stated these things before but in case you missed it:
- Interiors (buildings, cars, etc.)
- High-Poly builds
- Maps
- Long Term positions/teams
I take both PayPal and Robux, and have no preferred payment. (However, PayPal is nice)
Everything is negotiable and starting price will be set when we talk
[despite the title (I couldn’t change it) Closed for now]
Discord: Funkyy (preferred)
DevForum: @superdude1123445
I am available: Times will most likely vary, but overall, I am usually available almost the whole day, any day. you will just have to catch me when I’m online
I can also teach you modeling if you want to save money in the long run