[OPEN] Tapping Galaxy is Looking For A Talented Pet Modeler!

About Us

Hello! My name is Refraininq and I am the sole owner/developer of Tapping Galaxy. I’ve been working on this game for about a month now, and we are nearing closer and closer to release every day! I’m looking for a talented Pet Modeler to join our team and help prepare the game for release, as well as push out some awesome content updates!

The Team
@Refraininq - Lead Developer/Programmer
@couldbeyou- Pet Modeler

About The Job

We are looking for a talented Pet Modeler to create some simple, yet diverse pets for Tapping Galaxy!

Example of the style we are looking for

In total we need about 52 pets completed in about 1-2 weeks for our games release. We also need an additional 8-14 pets completed weekly for our content updates! (Note: This number could vary depending on the size of the update).


You will receive 10% of all profits from the game. Depending on the success of the game, we may change this to a weekly payment, rather then a percentage. (IMPORTANT) If you do decide to part ways with our team, you will be payed for your work until the next update is released that does not include your pet models.

Contact Us

You can contact me via Discord at: Agro#6413
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

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