Howdy! Need a Logo Designer? Your In Luck! My Name Is PrinceTedros but you can call me Ted. I Happen To Be a Logo Designer For Hire Which Includes LogosOnly
I am available 4 to 5 Hours a day! Although sometimes i may be busy due to some personal reasons or school. On weekends i may sometimes be a little more active then before. If Due to some reasons i may not reply to Dm’s so please do not expect quick replies.
Prices are mostly in Robux or Via PayPal. Gamepass Or T-shirt Payments add 30% Fees.
Basic Logos: 35 - 55 / PayPal: $0.5
Standard Logos: 75 - 110 / PayPal: $1
Premium Logos: 115 - 250 / PayPal: $2 - $3
To Order, Contact Ted#3863 On Discord Or @TedGfxs on Twitter. Please Comment if you have sent me a request.
Tysm For Ordering! I had fun working with you and i hope to work on more projects in the future. It Has Been a pleasure providing you the best service i could provide.