[OPEN] Testers wanted for new studio [Exclusive perks, More+]

Looking For Testers

About Us

Hi there! We are Reality Studio and we want you to become a tester for our new group. Testers will be privileged to a rank in the group and exclusive items that normal testers won’t have, also you be able to participate in tester-only events.

About The Job

You must be able to identify bugs in our new simulator game, though playing, and also provide improvements that could be made. Our game is still in mid to beta test development so be ready to play. There are also only 10 slots available to join the discord and group and soon as possible.

Example of our game's build style

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord using: AFQ8KQp.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Wow, I really like the job but I cant identify bugs since I’m just a builder . Hope you can hire someone!

Bugs are just issues in the game that can be improved on you don’t need to change any code.

Oh, so you’re saying that I just have to look for bugs?

Im interested but im scared to fail hahaha.

Yes and suggest improvements, that all there is to it.

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I would love to be a tester!
Discord: DareDaniel0#7616

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the game looks good, I don’t think I work as a tester but I could translate it into Spanish for free if you need to.

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I am interested, my discord: xXBurak#0087

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I would love to be a tester but i cant use discord.

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Here is the new link : AFQ8KQp

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