Open up replies to TL1 members in #feature-requests

As long as it’s properly moderated and held to some standard, then yeah this would be a great idea.

Opening it up would allow a far wider audience of people to expand further on a feature request, either adding onto it by suggesting finer details, or expanding on it by posting some use cases for it.
Or, if the idea sucks, showing how it sucks and maybe suggesting changes so it becomes a good idea.

I’d imagine opening up replies for people to do all these things would also help boost visibility for the devs due to the extra engagement. If there’s lots of people discussing an idea, then of course they would want to see why the idea is so popular, in turn being more likely to create and release that feature.

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Hey folks, I checked out the configuration of the subcategories of Feature Requests and made sure they’re all set to TL1+. Thanks for the feedback and for continuing to push on these issues!

I see some comments above as late as Aug 22 discussing the issue as if it was not resolved yet at that point, but based on logs these subcategories have been opened up for the past year+.

EDIT: see post below.


I am still unable to reply to any feature request topics excluding the topics in #feature-requests:talent-hub-features .

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Just figured out the issue – can you try again now? Should be resolved. Discourse UI was showing me a false state of the settings page.


Yep! It’s fixed.

I can now reply to topics created in #feature-requests.

Thanks a lot sir. :slight_smile:

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