I made a post yesterday relating to recruitment for an open-world RPG game we are pursuing. However; we lack programmers! If you would like to join as lead programmer or programmer, message me here, on twitter, or on discord.
The Team @AlsoGold - Environment Design/Project Lead @vacant - Lead Scripter - The lead scripter will handle most of the programming as well as the coordination of the programmers (If there is multiple.) @vacant - Programmers - Handles programming as well, under the instruction of the lead programmer. @HavocOmega - Lead Builder - Leads the building process and coordinates map design, building design, etc. @Sheriff_Duck - Builders - Builds under the direction of the lead builder. Not limited to what the lead builder says. @ScytheSlayin - Animations - Animator(s) of the mobs and players. As well as sword and weapon animations. @Warriorhawk356 - GFX - Handles thumbnails, icons, as well as advertisements and in-game text. @vacant - UI Designer - Handles all the UI within the game.
You will be paid a percentage, or USD if that is what you prefer. Payment is varying depending on skill level and level of time.
Contact Us
You can contact me on Discord: AlsoGold#4848
or Twitter @AlsoGold
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
It will be a fantasy style RPG game. The map will be very large and will have hours of exploration possible. There will be quests, special items, leveling system, crafting, home building system, etc. It is very ambitious, but I feel we can do it with the right team. We have not yet decided on a name. There is no timeframe for release, as we are just starting. The building style will be low-poly and sort of cartoony.
It will be a more player-driven experience. Meaning that you can choose the paths you go down. You don’t just follow a set list of quests, you can choose what you want to do. Also, it will be sort of a life simulator I guess as well. In the sense that you may work jobs if you wish and customize your home. That is optional however, so if you want a standard RPG, you have that as well.