As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to check information via OpenCloud in bulk, most notably with:
- Getting asset metadata via{assetId}
- Checking asset ownership via{user}/inventory-items?maxPageSize=10&pageToken={string}&filter={string}
without having to closely monitor the URI length limit.
The OpenCloud APIs appear to be designed around the fact that each request should only return one resource with the exception of list
endpoints. This comes with the caveat that we are much more likely to hit our rate limit much more quickly. For example, an application that wishes to list a users’ assets while including the asset name will hit the assets-API rate-limit after listing just 60 assets. This limit won’t refresh for another one minute. This is problematic for my personal use-case around listing players’ inventory assets and has led me to resort to the legacy APIs for retrieving asset information.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I wouldn’t need to resort to old legacy APIs for making batch requests.