OpenCloudTools - Open Source Datastore/MessagingService Tools

I see it looks like you got an answer in that other thread. I would also recommend the python interface if you want to manipulate the format of that data. I don’t know exactly what firebase expects so I can’t help you too much there.

If you’re feeling more adventurous you can also build sqlite yourself and use the C API but python would be much simpler since sqlite support is already built-in.


Can I use this plugin to download a full game’s Datastore and save it to my disk as backup, and whenever I need to retrieve it, upload it to roblox?

I support this idea. It would also be really cool if we could do actions on entire data stores such as deleting all entries.

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Yes, you can! You can also delete all entries, as @FlikterIsLinked mentioned he wanted to do. It’s just gonna take very very long if you have 1000+ entries lol.

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Hi! Thank you so much for this. I’d also like to ask if there’s a way to bulk download datastores with specific names? For example, I want to download datastores that includes the name “PlayerInventory” only. I don’t want to download everything that I do not need. I would like to know if that’s possible at the moment. Thanks!

As you can see, I am using datastore2 so there would be lots of datastores. I don’t want to download all entries that has the word “PlayerEquippedItems”. The numbers you see are the player’s user ID and I can’t hide it manually because there’s a lot. Please help. :frowning:


Hey @Skrateboard
I’m not sure if you’ve seen this new change that was introduced for Roblox groups.

It introduces some new opencloud api additions.

Post: Introducing Roblox Communities
Open Cloud API Updates

  • New Open Cloud endpoints to automatically assign a member’s role and update their membership in your community.

Could this be added to OpenCloudsTools at some point?

Multiple Errors when trying to launch. I have tried just the standalone Qt6 and the WinInstall.


Hey all, wasn’t watching this thread for a month or so, so I fell behind on responding. I’ll reply to the people who still have open questions one-by-one in some follow-up posts so they all individually get a notification rather than doing it all in one post.

Also, I wanted to say that I’m just about ready with the new GUI and should have a beta version out by this weekend. As far as I know everything should work exactly the same as the old version but I’m calling the first one a beta just in case something ends up broken.

Not possible at the moment but I can look into adding that. Right now the whole datastore browsing interface is really built around the idea that you will have a smaller number of datastores with per-player keys in each rather than creating a separate datastore for each player.

This will take some thinking on how I need to make the interface work for that, so I probably won’t have it particularly soon but I’ll add that to my todo list.

Like the above post I can check this out but right now the interface is very much structured around managing places rather than groups. The actual work to implement the API itself won’t be much but building an interface to support it will be the hard part.

That said, it looks like Roblox will be adding more ‘things’ you can manage other than universes so this is something I will need to address at some point. This one will be first on my list for suppoting managing non-universe stuff. Realistically I won’t be able to get to it until some time early next year probably.

Looks like I messed up the pre-built packages for Qt6 in the latest release. Right now you can either use the previous version or select the Qt5 version in the installer. I’ll have a fixed version out in a day or two so that doesn’t happen anymore.

Thanks for reporting the problem.

Thanks! I’ll just wait for you to fix it :slight_smile:

A new version is now available. This has minimal changes from the previous release but importantly it fixes the windows qt6 build.

Important: This will likely be the last release using the current GUI. The first release with the new GUI will be made available soon.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed being unable to edit the details of a universe.
  • Other miscelaneous internal changes to better support new GUI, which is currently inactive.

Distribution changes:

  • Fixed Windows Qt6 build so it actually runs.
  • Windows Qt5 upgraded to 5.15.16
  • Windows Qt6 upgraded to 6.8.1
  • Mac Qt6 downgraded to 6.5.3 (from 6.6.3)
    • This is the last LTS release which supports MacOS 11, which is my build machine’s OS. Reverted from 6.6 because it will not be receiving any further support patches and 6.5 will.

Win-Install is an installer containing both Qt5 and Qt6 versions of Open Cloud Tools.
Win-Qt6 is the build users of Windows 10 and newer should use.
Win-Qt5 is the build users of Windows 7 and 8 should use.
Mac supports MacOS 11 and newer. To use the Mac version you must run xattr -cr /Applications/ in the terminal after installing to make it runnable.e’s OS. Reverted from 6.6 because it will not be receiving any further support patches and 6.5 will.

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The new GUI is finally (mostly) ready and a beta release is here. If you run into any problems please let me know and I can fix them up.

This is a beta release of the new GUI. All Open Cloud operations are now split into sub-windows which currently map one-to-one to the tabs in the old interface. This release has exactly the same functionality as the previous one.

Because the GUI is so different it is possible that some new bugs were introduced. Please report any problems you find.

Win-Install is an installer containing both Qt5 and Qt6 versions of Open Cloud Tools.
Win-Qt6 is the build users of Windows 10 and newer should use.
Win-Qt5 is the build users of Windows 7 and 8 should use.
Mac supports MacOS 11 and newer. To use the Mac version you must run xattr -cr /Applications/ in the terminal after installing to make it runnable.

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I have a question.
To get datastore with this, I must be owner of the game?
I’m team creating game.

I’m not entirely sure because I’ve only done this for my own games, but I think the owner has to be the one to generate the API key. If you aren’t the owner then you can have the owner make you an API key and you’ll be able to use it for anything.

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Would you ever consider adding support for Roblox’s Ban API (user-restrictions) to it too. It would be very helpful for my team.

Yeah that totally seems like the sort of thing I can support. Just had a look over the API and it looks pretty simple. Of the OC APIs I don’t have support for this one looks like it could be one of the easiest to add.

Right now I’m still not sure exactly what I’ll be adding next. Within the last year the Open Cloud api has grown faster than I can keep up here so I haven’t been able to get to it all.

So on that note, to everyone reading this thread, what would be the most useful thing I can add next? The Ban API mentioned above seems like a good candidate but I’m open to other ideas as well.

It would be really nice if it was similar to how “Bulk Data” is able to download bulk information but with the ban API you could bulk ban.