Hi, I’m kaiit! Welcome to my portfolio! I am an animator on both the ROBLOX and Blender platforms and I specialize in much more. I have been animating for about 8 months now and proceeded to an acceptable level of skill pretty fast, ready to offer my clients quality animations!
Take a look at some of my animations
PolyBattles animations - OLD
Cessation Animations
Other client animations
The original package which is Equip, Unequip, Idle, Shoot, and Reload typically ranges from 6,000 - 9,000 robux / $21.00 - $31.50. The price can fluctuate if the guns are futuristic. If you wish to customize your own package, please leave me a message and I will create a price for you.
Animation Addons Camera bobbing: 3,000 R$ PER PACKAGE.
Perfectly synced gun sounds Provide me with your own gun sounds, and I will sync them to the animation: 3000 R$ per package.
I find gun sounds for you, and sync them to the animation: 4000 R$ per package.
Hello JFK!
I offer fully-detailed FPS animations but I do not offer high-quality third-person animations. Although it is possible, I just do not like dealing with the rigging system of third-person animations and their difficulty.
Usually for FPS systems, I offer a full package for the First Person rigs, and then the third person animations of Idle and Reload which is low-detailed which is what the opponent see’s. Usually like how Arsenal and Phantom forces does.
I hope that the information helps! Thank you, hope to hear from you again soon.
Hello! I have some questions to ask about FPS animations on the behalf of an animator myself. Please contact me via Discord if possible “KingTrolling#2815”. Thanks!