[OPENED] Gun Animator / FPS Animator

Hi, I’m kaiit! Welcome to my portfolio! I am an animator on both the ROBLOX and Blender platforms and I specialize in much more. I have been animating for about 8 months now and proceeded to an acceptable level of skill pretty fast, ready to offer my clients quality animations!

Take a look at some of my animations

PolyBattles animations - OLD

Cessation Animations

Other client animations

The original package which is Equip, Unequip, Idle, Shoot, and Reload typically ranges from 6,000 - 9,000 robux / $21.00 - $31.50. The price can fluctuate if the guns are futuristic. If you wish to customize your own package, please leave me a message and I will create a price for you.

Animation Addons
Camera bobbing: 3,000 R$ PER PACKAGE.

Perfectly synced gun sounds
Provide me with your own gun sounds, and I will sync them to the animation: 3000 R$ per package.

I find gun sounds for you, and sync them to the animation: 4000 R$ per package.

Discord: Kaits#6403 -
Twitter: KaiitsRBLX -

Thank you!!!


Hey there, I’m interested!

I was just wondering if you can animate fully in R15 & if you can do this for a hybrid TPS and FPS gun system.

Looking forward to a reply :smiley:

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Hello JFK!
I offer fully-detailed FPS animations but I do not offer high-quality third-person animations. Although it is possible, I just do not like dealing with the rigging system of third-person animations and their difficulty.

Usually for FPS systems, I offer a full package for the First Person rigs, and then the third person animations of Idle and Reload which is low-detailed which is what the opponent see’s. Usually like how Arsenal and Phantom forces does.

I hope that the information helps! Thank you, hope to hear from you again soon. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello! I have some questions to ask about FPS animations on the behalf of an animator myself. Please contact me via Discord if possible “KingTrolling#2815”. Thanks!

I have just friended you on discord!


Is your package per gun? Or per game?

The packages are Per Gun.

Hey, do you actually provide the gun sounds? If you do, I’m willing to order only gun sounds if that’s alright. Please let me know the price.

Hey. Starting price for that would be 4000 R$, or $14. It depends how large the animation is. It can even exceed the listed price.

Contact: kaiit#5229 :grinning: