Hello, my friend ThiagoLessa1 by his nickname on roblox, but you can call Thiago. He has been a student of 3D modeling for about 2 years. He is 18 years old and lives in Brazil.


Below you can see some of his works. It also has many UGC concepts in its portfolio.



At the moment he is available every day, he responds frequently, around 1 hour to 2 hours and depending on the time, he also responds on time.


  • Your 3D models are for sale, make weapons, houses, trees, food etc … Just do not make vfx and armor (still studying vfx and armor better).
    You can check out his work in more detail on Twitter or discord (discord is new, so there aren’t that many things).

  • It also makes customized models, where you can check how this system works in discord.

** PRICES: **

-The prices of the ready models are already defined, the prices are affordable and fair, because as he likes to do a job well done, this takes more time, therefore, the price you set for the time spent.

-Price per order he charges 25% before starting the project, and as soon as he confirms that he can place his order, he charges this amount in advance, for the time that
Spends making the model, even if you don’t want to take it, but the 25% he charges before. If you like the model and want it, you must pay the other 75% (only when the model
is ready and you confirm that you like it) then it sends the .rbxm file to you.

At the moment, he only accepts payments in ** Dollar **


You can contact me on Twitter: ** @ SShua123 ** ** Discord: ThiagoLessa1 # 1999 ** or by DevForum itself.

I thank those who like his work and support him. In discord, it also accepts comments. A hug for all of you.

DISCORD: ThiagoLessa1#1999


TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SShua123/with_replies