[OPEN//HIRING] Archtectus Studios | Lowpoly, Item-design, Programming, etc


Chalazi, my name is KerakIes, the Creative Director and Manager of Archtectus Studios. Archtectus Studios is an up-and-coming group with big ambitions and a large amount of funding to kickstart our latest project, dubbed “Island Wars”. Currently, the Studios seeks developmental assistance in all aspects to properly execute all such visions and plans associated with the “Island Wars” project. The group itself is still in the making and all direct commissions shall be forwarded and communicated to me until further notice.

Job Offers & Workspace Environment

Our Team

  • DoktorMeme - Sponsor/Founder

  • KerakIes - Creative Director/Sponsor

  • danydan000 - Frontend Programmer

The following list consists of the positions that are open for anyone of the proper skillsets to take on, either as full-time developers or as commission-based developers. Please be mindful that we are hiring people based on their skill if you present us with a portfolio, we will talk about what you could possibly do to benefit us and the game.

Current Open Full-time and Commission Based Jobs
  • Backend Programmer x1
    – Self-explanatory, needed to create the backend workings of all the combat system, UI, and syncing between different aspects of the game.

  • Frontend Programmer x1
    – Self-explanatory, needed to create the appeal of the UI, interactives, modules and functions.

  • Low-poly Map Designers x1
    – For our terrain and heavy layout ideas, those who will craft large, yet low detail portions of the game.

  • Low-poly Item Designers x2
    – Creators of the items that will be used in-game.

  • Texture Designer x1
    – Custom texture designer for the items that will be used in-game, as well as a few location textures.

  • Clothing Designer x1
    – Needed to make team jumpsuits for the game, studio merchandise, and the like.

  • Custom Rig/R15 Animator x1
    – Needed to make custom animations for the game, must be able to work with rigs of all kinds and regular, R15 models.

We keep a fairly consistent, open-minded, and friendly workspace, however, when work needs to be done, it needs to be done. While we have no immediate deadlines, the quicker that work gets done, the quicker that everything can be kickstarted.

There are expectations to be met and upheld, both for full-time developers and commissioned developers. Furthermore, we assure you that you will be treated with nothing less than respect, and with patience for your work. :slight_smile:

Payments & Benefits

  • PayPal | $100 - $1,000 USD
  • ROBUX | 5k - 25K

We do not pay in any form of cryptocurrency.

Commissioned Developer Benefits
  • “Contributer” Group role/Discord Role

You will be paid by your typical prices, with proper credits given where your help was dedicated. After your commission is over, your payment ends.

Full-time Developer Benefits
  • In-game benefits

  • Discord benefits

Becoming a full-time developer means that your payment for typical commission prices is assured each and every time you work for us. Your style will remain consistent as the group goes, and timeframes are significantly loosened to accommodate for your dedication to the expansion of the group and game.

Contact Information

You may contact me through the following socials:

Discord: K,#1312
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Keraunos_
Gmail: keraunosvale@gmail.com

It’s been a pleasure, hoping to hear from you all soon! :slight_smile:


Please follow the format. What are you looking for, what is your percentages for each scripter, builder, animator, etc, what’s the budget? What requirements? Are you looking for someone 13+ or 16+?

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Terribly sorry! I just finished up my latest edit, please review to see the following listing for prices and jobs. :slight_smile:

Confused on what each job has to do. Not really enough info…?

Information is clarified between me and the employer, as I’m looking to hire people based on their strong suits and if it fits what we currently are looking for. Though, I should clarify what more is needed, thank you for the advice!

Is there an age requirement?

I have sent you a discord request by the username Aqua#9353, hope to hear from you soon!

Portfolio: https://sites.google.com/view/aquaticfishie/home

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I have sent a DM regarding the Low Poly Item position on discord.

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No, you simply need to have maturity and skill.

I would like to work for you but I must clarify something in discord accept the request of anonymus

I’m interested, my Twitter is @Young5550082796

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I have contacted you on discord. (Tag is JAWS#5546)

I can make studio merch. Contact me here on the dev forum if you are interested.


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