Hello, my name is Christina! I’ve owned my group, PO$ITIONS, for nearly 3 years and have been a designer on this platform for just as long. We are a larger clothing group that provides quality clothing that appeals to everyone.
We are currently looking for animated, moving gradient name-tags for our game. There will be a variety of different kinds including color and moving pattern for different roles. (Owner, Co-owner, Admins, Mods, etc.)
If any of you reading this post right now, I can assume you’ve been to Trade Hangout at least once. If not, I will provide a screengrab of the type of gradient name-tags we’re looking for.
We are currently only paying through group-funds, with over 300K available. Payment is solely based on your prices, as well as how long it takes and how well made it is.
Contact Us
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at:
OWNER’S Discord: christina#0420