Opening a LinkedSource script will eventually crash Roblox Studio nearly 100% of the time


  1. Open a LinkedSource script via the Asset Manager or from the workspace
  2. Scroll through it, edit it, enter in and out of it, do whatever
  3. After several seconds, and usually within a minute, observe that Roblox Studio crashes

Expected behavior
Having a LinkedSource script open does not crash Roblox Studio.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for the report! We’ll take a look.


Hi, LinkedSource has been deprecated 4 years ago. Packages has been reworked and released twice since this announcement and should provide replacement functionality.

Let’s figure out a way to migrate your LinkedSources to packages.

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I use Packages for the most part; however, I unfortunately have a bunch of experiences that utilize LinkedSource scripts in many subplaces. Would love a way to automatically convert them over.

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One approach which some experiences use is to save shared content inside of a model and use InsertService:LoadAsset to load it at place startup. That also offers additional flexibility over LinkedSource, letting you load content on demand rather than only at startup.

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I actually use Packages this way. To clarify, I no longer wish to use ANY LinkedSource scripts; however, I have so many LSS scattered throughout several experiences/places that replacing them all by hand would be incredibly tedious.

I am unaware of any methods to replace LSS with Packages in a more automated fashion. IIRC using InsertService strips PackageLinks.


That is a very good point, I think we need to create something like that. I’ll ask around and see if this is something we can escalate.


This is still occurring as of August. I am even unable to migrate all of my LSS manually as they will always crash.

Still occurring as of October. Can’t migrate, update, or fix my experiences that use LSS.

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Technically not fixed, but it is now a non-issue with this recent announcement:

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