Opening backpack shows a highlight box

Whenever I open my backpack using the “` or ~” key, it shows a highlighted box that can be controlled with WASD and arrow keys.
However, there’s no way to select using this, pressing spacebar and enter does nothing.
Plus, it heavily interferes with gameplay because it overrides the character controls due sharing the same keys as WASD.

If this was meant be a feature, I wish there was a way to disable it as a dev or as a player.

This happened since yesterday’s patch.

There are some pretty wacky things you can do with it:

Like selecting the player list:

Or the menu screen:

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I think this is a bug with the CoreGui setting the SelectedCoreObject (assuming it is the same as the SelectedObject). This selection box is used by controllers to select gui elements.
I think they forgot to check if a controller opened the backpack near line 1142.


I’m trying to figure out whose update actually caused this; but if you think this will fix the issue, and have tested it, you really should make a pull request to fix it. The CoreScripts are up there for a reason. :slight_smile: