Opening Creator Notifications quickly after studio opens causes it to open in the wrong position

Reproduction Steps

  • To avoid the autosave window popping up and blocking you from clicking behind it, edit a place from the website, eg: Baseplate - Roblox then click “Edit in Studio”
  • As soon as studio has finished logging in immediately click Creator Notifications and it will open in the wrong position displayed below:

Expected behavior

  • When immediately clicking Creator Notifications when studio has finished logging in Creator Notifications should open in the correct position displayed below:

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

I was having difficulty reproducing, but I got it to reproduce once. I’ll take a closer look and try to see what’s going on.


Apologies for the late reply, we spent some time fixing underlying things that caused this issue. But, this issue shouldn’t occur anymore!

Things are fixed now, so I’m marking this as fixed, but please reply in case you still see the problem!


That’s ok, I can’t seem to reproduce the bug anymore which means its fixed!

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