Opening group published projects

Currently within studio you have to open the Start Page to actually open a group published projects. As the option is missing from the “Published Projects…” menu:

It’s simple enough to add group projects to this menu page surely; it’s really irritating having to open up Start Page every time when there’s a much faster solution.

Please can we have this added?

What is the “Published Projects” menu and how do I access it? Also, the start page is the default home page whenever you open up studio. How is it irritating to click the Places tab and then the Group Places tab?

This is “Published Projects”:

I open studio from the web client mainly, but sometimes I want to quickly look into another project saved online just to grab some scripts quickly.
Having to open up the Start Page is massively time consuming in comparison to using the Published Projects option, I’m not asking for a lot, it’s a basic want - just add “Group Places” to the side bar of Published Projects…

Wow, that page is really out of date. Although I wouldn’t say that clicking on the Start Page tab in Studio is “massively time consuming.”


it’s more of an irritation which could be easily fixed

Was about to make a topic on this but saw that it had already been requested.

This feature would help me out a lot, as when you view the home menu when a place is already open, the place has to be closed in order to work on a new one.

With Published Projects, it will open it up on a completely new application of Studio, saving us time.