Opening the root place of my universe will crash studio 100% of the time

  1. Open the root place for this experience in Studio
  2. Observe Studio crashes before it can be interacted with

Did not occur until Studio updated this week. Does not occur for other places of mine. Still occurs with all beta features disabled. Log dump attached as private content for Roblox staff.

A private message is associated with this bug report


This happens for me too, however it doesn’t seem to be the root place itself causing this.

For me it happens whenever I join one of the subplaces, I haven’t tested it on any other though when I have it.

I seem to have found a workaround though for this, If I open a studio template (like baseplate) and then close it and go back to open the place I was having issues with, I can open it.

Video Example of the problem


Huh, that workaround does indeed solve it. Thanks.

For me, it only occurs for that specific root place, but it wouldn’t surprise me if other places are affected as well. I haven’t seen it in any of my non-root places FWIW.

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As an even further update, from this workaround:

If you enter your affected place and save/publish it, the crashing issue appears to resolve itself without needing to use the workaround again.

For me, the crashing resolves itself as soon as I do the workaround, and only comes back once I crash again later. I’m not sure why its like this its pretty confusing


Looking into this issue. The crashes I have access to so far seem to be on Vulkan, where Direct3D11 is (currently) the recommended Graphics Mode for Windows applications.

Can you please try to set studio to use Direct3D11 by going to studio settings…

And let us know if that works around the issue for you? In the mean time rest assured we will be debugging the Graphics Mode = Vulkan.

All the best

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Thanks to @cloakedyoshi providing us with their place file, we were able to reproduce the issue, figure out what the issue is and we are working on a fix.


I still seem to have issues with crashing after loading a place even on direct3d11, Although it does manage to load into the place unlike before, I am not sure if this is related to this issue, however the workaround I described before that worked on vulkan does not work here.

I am no longer having this issue and it seems to have gone away on its own


For transparency on the forum, we have a private message out to @ColRealPro to try to get a repro

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hello, just wanted to update that we’ve narrowed the issue and were able to fix it. the fix gonna be shipped asap. thank you!