[OPEN/Now Hiring] Builder, Programmer, GFX Artist, UI Artist and 3D Modeler - Louie’s Bakery


About Us

Louie’s is an upcoming bakery group on ROBLOX. We offer artisan treats, using newly developed technology to provide the most realistic cooking process around. Whilst we have not launched, we have managed to gain over 1,200 members from successful marketing campaigns. We are a promising group with a skilled team of developers, with new and exciting ideas expected to rock the current market.
We are looking to recruit 2 new members to the team.

The Team

@Dornbaum - Project Manager
@BradleeHowell - Project Lead
Hiring - Builder
Hiring - Programmer
Hiring - 3D Modeler
Hiring - GFX Artist
Hiring - UI Artist

x1 GFX Artist
x1 Builder
x1 3D Modeler
x2 Programmer
x1 UI Artist

Find more information in regards to our group here:

About The Job

At this time, we are looking to hire: x1 GFX Artist, x1 Builder, x1 3D Modeler, x1 UI Artist and x2 Programmers

For these positions, we are looking for someone with an extensive portfolio demonstrating their abilities.
We’d like someone reliable with strong communication skills, who is able to work cohesively as a team in a punctual manner. We have some great ideas, so we hope you can share our passion and vision.

For the position of GFX Artist, I am looking for someone to create several assets for the group such as a new group logo, and game thumbnail. There will be an opportunity for many other tasks in the future. We’re looking for colorful and exciting graphics to entice the user. Skills in video production would also be valued. More specific details can be given if you reach out to us

For the position of builder, I am looking for someone with experience with low-poly builds. Our general style is bright, cartoonish, and cutesy. Currently, we have a functioning bakery, however, as a team, we feel some improvements are necessary to ensure it is both attractive and functional. Aside from the main Homestore, we are looking to create both a training center and an event center. More guidance will gladly be provided.

Our Bakery



Payment is negotiable and will be discussed upon briefing. We value our team members and pay fairly.

Contact Us

If you are interested in joining this project, please send me a DM either here on the forum or Discord with your portfolio.


Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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