(Opensource) Crux Animation System - GitHub repo


[quote]Roblox animation engine originally modeled after Unity3D’s animation API.

Supports animation blending, crossfading, pausing, keyframe interpolation, smooth adjustable playback speed, and a variety of playback modes.[/quote]

Usage instructions in readme. Would appreciate any contributions! An editor that exports into the animation format would be awesome.

Don’t really have any up to date examples but here’s the previous iteration you may be familiar with:



Really cool. Great study material !

I’ll check it out later, I loved the animations in the video.

I love it XD, Nice touch at the end of the video btw.

Next challenge: Rework ROBLOX’s animation plugin to generate ModuleScripts that work with this.

Don’t. ROBLOX’s Animation plugin is horrible and breaky.

Don’t. ROBLOX’s Animation plugin is horrible and breaky.[/quote]

So is their terrain plugin. :frowning:

The example modules for animations no not work right for me, I need to figure out how to make the legs and stuff in the right positions. Overall, this is awesome.

[strike]Let me look at an old plugin I started but never finished, see if I can work it around with this thing.
It wont be good, but it will be temporary until someone makes a better one.[/strike]

Edit: #Nope
I tried to using the animation editor… but it’s results were undesirabile (CFrames were bad on module).

Set your C1’s to CFrame.new()

The animation system only updates the C0’s of welds.

Set your C1’s to CFrame.new()

The animation system only updates the C0’s of welds.[/quote]
Oh. Interesting. I thought it set the C1s.

Edit: Ok, im getting closer to something. Until we get an awesome thing, it will be all we got.

Spline curves please

I’m having some major issues with CruxAnimation.

I use it like the following: http://pastebin.com/WQ52NXJX
Where “Walk” and “Idle” are modules straight from CruxAnimation’s GitHub.

However I get the following error:

16:18:02.677 - Players.Player1.PlayerGui.Animation:35: Skeleton :: 'Idle' is not a valid AnimationState
16:18:02.677 - Script 'ReplicatedStorage.CruxAnimation', Line 1111 - method Play
16:18:02.678 - Script 'Players.Player1.PlayerGui.Animation', Line 35 - global playAnimation
16:18:02.678 - Script 'Players.Player1.PlayerGui.Animation', Line 58
16:18:02.678 - Stack End

Whatever game you’re making has really piqued my interest.
If you’re making a horror game, that could serve as some nice comic relief.

[quote] I’m having some major issues with CruxAnimation.

I use it like the following: http://pastebin.com/WQ52NXJX
Where “Walk” and “Idle” are modules straight from CruxAnimation’s GitHub.

However I get the following error:

06:37:49.406 - ReplicatedStorage.CruxAnimation:1206: attempt to call method '_GetState' (a nil value)
06:37:49.407 - Stack Begin
06:37:49.407 - Script 'ReplicatedStorage.CruxAnimation', Line 1206 - field IsPlaying
06:37:49.407 - Script 'Players.Player1.PlayerGui.Animation', Line 45 - global stopAnimation
06:37:49.407 - Script 'Players.Player1.PlayerGui.Animation', Line 57
06:37:49.407 - Stack End


That almost makes me want to make a game based around that character design… it’s amazing you accidentally came up with that :open_mouth: