OpenTeamup - Talk about your experiences working with other developers!


Discord: (To be announced)


About the website

OpenTeamup is a website specifically for Roblox developers that allows you to talk about your experiences while working with other developers and studios. You leave “reviews” similar to the ones on glassdoor and kununu. Once your review has passed moderation, it will be displayed publicly on the website for others to see.

The goal is to create a more transparent hiring process for developers on Roblox. Currently, most useful feedback is communicated inside private Discord groups which makes it impossible for any new developers to know if others are trustworthy or not.

Not shown in the video is the way accounts are handled. The only thing you have to do is login using your Roblox account. OpenTeamup makes use of the new OAuth system provided by Roblox. All reviews that have been submitted with your Roblox Id (You have to provide the Roblox id of the developer/studio you’re reviewing in the submission form) will be connected to your account automatically.


This will probably be the biggest concern for a website like this. As you can see in the demo video, there are strict guidelines in place that any review must meet before it is approved. If accusations are made, evidence needs to be attached. Cursing and baseless claims are not allowed either.
While this approach certainly isn’t perfect, it’s the best we have. Services like Glassdoor and kununu handle things in a similar way.



Reviews of a developer

Review submission form

Login Page


OpenTeamup is currently completely free and plans to stay so in the future!

Future Plans

I plan to provide a markdown editor (with media upload) for the submission form in the future, so you can actually upload screenshots and format the content accordingly.


Let me know what you think! I’m open to any constructive criticism!


I think that this is incredible! I will definitely use it! I will also let you know if I find any bugs.


Believe this would be a useful tool to pair with the Talent Hub, now that you aren’t able to rate or leave feedback about the user under their portfolio.

Thanks for sharing this!