OpenWeb | Create a real website right from a Roblox game

Yeah I’ve had a few people mention this feature. Definitely something we’re going to look into.

This is the dogs ball park. This is very handy for solo developers like my self who cannot afford hosting or do not want to use websites like glitch either.

If anyone was wondering my website from this is: but at the time of this comment going live I am still setting it up!

Nice site so far! Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.

it says “has never been easier”

So it does, I guess they changed it after my message

OpenWeb just launched a feature that supports HTML tags for additional customization!

<b> text here </b>   ---> Bold text
<i> text here </i>   ---> Italicized text
<u> text here </u>   ---> Underlined text

Feel free to use the above tags when adding text in the OpenWeb Design Studio.

Yeah I did, thanks for the input

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