"Operation failed. Please check your network connection and try again. If the error persists, contact Customer Support"

Hello! whenever i start an editing session in my game, in the output it gives an error saying: “Operation failed. Please check your network connection and try again. If the error persists, contact Customer Support”, immediately after i connect into studio.

i really have no idea whats causing this. i have a stable internet connection, ive tried restarting studio AND my computer multiple times. It only started doing this today.

I have also experience this issue. not sure what caused it and what it affect.

it happen only sometimes and I don’t see anything wrong right now and can use all feature in studio like usual.


maybe try to switch beta features off. most errors are cause by it!

go settings (top left) and click beta features.

hope this helps!


i got this problem 5 minutes ago, and I’ve restarted my router, and studio, closing and opening the same place to no avail.

The problem however has gotten worse, i am not even able to log into roblox studio now
it’s stuck on the Login Failed loop, kept redirecting me to the creator website to do the login thing, but every time i click authorize it fails

Edit: got the message while trying to publish/save a place in roblox

I’m getting this problem too!

Although it’s not actually impacting my use of Studio right now, the error is popping up every time I open a place, although it doesn’t seem to happen when I create a new one.
Maybe it’s only happening to published places?