Operators/If-then Statement Issues

I am making an anti team kill script for a gun model. In my script, it successfully finds the team of both the shooter and the person hit and prints them, so I know there isn’t an issue with that. The issue seems to be on inflicting damage itself.

There are four teams: Killer, Game, SWAT, and Lobby.
However, I am having trouble inflicting damage on the appropriate teams. I tried many methods, but I have had no luck. Here is my script so far. There is no errors in output.

function OnRayHit(cast, raycastResult, segmentVelocity, cosmeticBulletObject)
	local hitPart = rayResult.Instance
	if hitPart ~= nil and hitPart.Parent ~= nil then
		local humanoid = hitPart.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
		if humanoid then
			local shooter = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent.Parent)
			local result = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(hitPart.Parent)
			print(result.Team)--prints on server not client so remember when testing 
			---------------- 4 teams
			if shooter.Team == "Lobby" then 
			if shooter.Team == "Game" then
				if result.Team == shooter.Team then
					humanoid:TakeDamage(34) -- Damage.
				if result.Team == "Killer" then
					humanoid:TakeDamage(34) -- Damage.
			if shooter.Team == "SWAT" then
				if result.Team == "Killer" then
					humanoid:TakeDamage(34) -- Damage.
			if shooter.Team == "Killer" then
				if result.Team == "Game" then 
					humanoid:TakeDamage(34) -- Damage.
				if result.Team == "SWAT" then
					humanoid:TakeDamage(34) -- Damage.

I’m positive this is an issue with my if then statements for each team. Can somebody help me with this?

When checking the shooter’s team, you have to check if the shooter’s team is the team object, or check if the player’s team name is equal to the goal team

So for example,

local teams = game:GetService('Teams')
local gameTeam = teams:WaitForChild('Game')
if shooter.Team == gameTeam then

-- OR

if shooter.Team --[[sanity check just to be sure they aren't on the neutral team]] and shooter.Team.Name == 'Game' then
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