Opinion On a Battle Tank

Hello. Recently (~1/2 months or so ago) I completed a tank I was working on as a side project, just for fun. I was wondering if I could get any feedback on it’s design, how it looks for gameplay and if it has any flaws. I tried to make a realistic concept design, and it has modular armor.

It uses 140mm or so shells since I suck at making proportional guns, for starters, and please do not reply with stuff like “It looks like a Leopard” as that’s true for many modern vehicles or “It’s bad for optimization” as that’s true with many tank builds on Roblox, even from blender.

Without any armor it looks like a bodybuilder after bulking season.

Anyway, I hope I can get a good response, and appreciate any feedback.


I liked it, the tank is very detailed.

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Late response, but right now, im actually working on a tank game project and I must say that this tank is very detailed and well made. I specifically like the tracks.
Well done!

This tank looks very good and detailed! Nice job on it!

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