Opinion on game logo

I recently made a logo within roblox and canva for my nextbot shooter game; Just looking for opinions (might edit this later with a different bot because it blends with the background too well)


The color scheme of the text is used alot in the actual game, its not just random lol

Please give your opinion down below, I would love to know if this would catch your eye on the roblox home page

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It is a great icon! In my opinion, if the camera was closer to the character holding the gun and the logo was on the bottom right, I would be interested in clicking it. Because that icon looks a lot like others in the platform,

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One thing I would like is some more contrast between the player and the map.

I always give this tip on icon feedback, but just imagine looking at it from a small device. Is it going to be a clear, concise icon, or will it be a small blob of colors.

This icon is a little dark, everywhere! I think some sharp lighting on the player would be nice.

Overall though, the potential is HIGH! The game looks promising!

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This logo definitely has some potential.

However, I feel like it is way too dark. Also, the player (especially hair and pants) looks weird, this is due to the blur and a lack of contrast between the player and wall. Also, what is that cat/dog (I can’t tell which one it is) for?

If I saw this with the above improvements, I may click on it, tbh though, the image of the cat/dog may make me not actually want to play it because it would immediately come to my mind that I’m running away from an image.

I feel like I’m kinda coming off as a bit harsh but like that’s just what I feel like could make your game logo much better.

Also, if the image (cat/dog) is actually what you’re running away from, keep it.

Good luck though!

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@xXTheRealCamelXx @RainingMemory @YoungPatelom I have updated the logo with some of the suggestions, and have also changed the bot

Wow! That looks so much better! Hope the game goes well!

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