Opinion on icons

Hi! I am creating Icons for my game where you stick to walls, and then move your camera to fling yourself up,
which one of these 2 icons do you think is better?
which name would you prefer? Sticky Climb or Fling 2 Climb.
if any of them can be improved?
and if you saw this, would you play the game?

This one looks deepfired but it is because then viewing it in small size, it actually elevates the contrast, but here it is displaying it in bigger size

Any help is appreciated thanks :blush:


I’d say number 2, it just looks cleaner


I personally would do the first one

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Well, to begin with, I would make it more interactive, more colorful. The second image doesn’t really make sense from my point of view (May be just me) But I would use some game icon’s like a little stick figure with some type of wind behind it as a jumping motion. Or like a topographic almost transparent background. Just something more exciting to look at. For me I usually just look at game’s and website’s (Renderforest, Canva) for ideas. Use gradients as well.

(This is my first post :D)

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