Opinion on my game's concept

I recently dreamed about making a merging game so I decided to start working on a rough draft version. So far I’ve managed to make a few badges for testing purposes as well as upgrades and a merging system.

As an avid obby fan I mixed in an obbying element into the game, having some of the obbies award badges and whatnot for beating them.

Right now this is a very raw and unfinished game but I want opinions on the general idea and concept I came up with.

Here’s the link:

To start, spawn some cubes and merge them then have fun obbying or whatever idk.

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Not bad but not really good as well, it is quite bland as well as there isn’t much to it as the builds aren’t also that detailed. Maybe try adding some bushes and grass here and there and maybe making the islands polygonal rather than square and try adding some sort of edge to them and try expanding them more as well and also try putting some stuff to the particles and graphics overall. Maybe a wind effect? Maybe add trees and put a leaf falling effect? I am not saying to make it too graphic intense, I get it, your trying to make a retro game but even if so some sort of realism won’t be too bad.

Also this shouldn’t be here:

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All of your suggestions are nice, I only made it as a proof of concept so it might have not been as polished as expected. What’s your thought on the general idea of the game?

I kinda don’t know about the general idea. It’s hard to understand. Maybe a tutorial would help?

I literally have written everything you should do in my post…
Did you even read it?

Kinda rude of you to say it like that, yes I did and you only said one line for how it works and you’re blaming me now.

How am I suppose to merge them? With my mind?

Sorry about that, I got carried away a bit. I’ll explain in simple terms:

  • you spawn object with button located at the lower middle of your screen,
  • you drag said object with your mouse to another object that you spawned,
  • they merge
  • you get profit and buy upgrades
  • you do obbies for more profit
    Disclaimer before you reply: This is the concept and not everything is yet finished.

Ah, okay now thats an explaination.

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Alright, so any other thoughts? Now that everything is sorted out. I again apologize for my not so nice reply.

I love this idea!
Keep on with the good work.

I simply love the concept of merging cubes.
Very fun idea!

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Very much thank you!
I plan to add many more non-cube objects so stay tuned!