Here is the star I made, I’m looking for constructive feedback please. (I didn’t make the face but made everything else, as I don’t know how to make a face. But if someone could teach me that would appreciated)
Since your hat is symmetric on the Y rotation you could simply view your model from the right/left/front/back while in orthographic, change to edit-mode,
change to face select
Press ‘A’ (Select all) Right click on the viewport and under UV Unwrap Facesclick Project From ViewRemember to change the settings of the UV Project to the second picture down
Ok, I could not thank** you enough. I’m on the last step when I have to colour in gimp I just need a little help on how to do so, if you could possibly teach me. Thanks A LOT though!!!
Open the exported UV Layout file with by pressing CTRL+O with Gimp open. Once the UV image has loaded create a new layer by clicking the New layer icon on the bottom right corner of the screen, drag the new layer below the UV layer ( Make sure you have the new layer selected ) and start using your Paint brush tool to draw.
Once you’ve finished your image remember to hide the UV Image by clicking eyeball image so that the layer turns off visibility. Once the UV layout is not visible press CTRL+E to export your image to your computer.
Testing your image:
Open up blender again and with the UV Editing tab open click Open image and select the exported testing image.
Open the material option tab
Under the base color option click the yellow icon and select image texture
Click the viewport render shading to view the image on the mesh.
If you are happy with the result of the blender test go ahead and export the image to Roblox (Create - Roblox) and change the “TextureID” property of the mesh object in Roblox studio to the exported URL of the image.