Opinion on The Adventure of Nooblet ad?

Hello everyone! I have been preparing an ad for my game The Adventure of Nooblet! And I want to know what you guys think:

Please give me your feedback and criticism. Thanks for reading!


I feel like you should put the name of the game on it somewhere, but I don’t know where. Maybe put the initials over the head?


the resolution is a bit low, somewhat pixelated… other than that it’s a cool ad!

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This will work for a background for the ad but still not engaging enough. I suggest putting a little caption/description and making the background of the sky more blue/saturated and more of an atmosphere so it looks a lot more engaging.


It’s really vague and low-quality to be honest. There’s also no text or anything to indicate what is being advertised, so it will come off as confusing to people who see it. You should add text.

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Good I think But people might not be intrested of a picture maybe add some writing
maybe something like this


Your text just doesn’t fit with the rest of the ad.

The color and font of the text should blend in with the theme.

Though I do agree! Make the ad more ‘explaining’, so players can get the point of the ad.

Though the rest seems great!


Maybe actually include the title to the ad? Just a suggestion


I agree with you,
But the point is to get players attention to get the idea
Ya know.


Pretty cool but maybe make the sword somewhere else, right now it kind of looks like he got impaled with a sword to the skull.

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