Opinions about my gfx the last hero p2

this time it took more for the rain and effects

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It’s waay to bright. I would suggest you to lower the brightness.


The background’s too bright and there’s too much noise.

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Maybe make the texts have different colors. I feel like those colors are too bright and don’t like blend with the image. Maybe that’s just me though.

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What even is that? Is that he person face? Dosent look like one at all, no offense.

It’s like a welders mask… Also I think @foxy681864 means with how it’s edited not the items within it…

Oh, thanks for he clarification, even though you’ve told me what it is, still Dosent have detail to make it look like it’s intention.

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Ok hey @foxy681864 there are many things that make this GFX good but also some that kind of lower the value and quality. Personally it looks good over all but here are my thoughts.

  • The title: Maybe don’t make the title just some text add something like a border or a background.

  • The Sky: When I look up at the sky it’s blue it’s never 100% white and there are usually some clouds or a sun or even some thunderbolts etc.

  • The rain: The rain would look good in my opinion if the drops were smaller and not so long maybe add a tilt for wind or something like that.

  • The signature: Don’t get me wrong you should show that you’re the creator but maybe make it blend in like making it white/black and add some transparency or make an autograph like @IDontHaveAUse.

Good job over all!

You always seem to go overboard with the lighting and effects way too much.
You need to start focusing on creating good renders with much less noise before trying to give us all a seizure with different colours and stuff. It’s good to see your progression though.