Opinions and feedback on alpha zombie shooter game

Hi devforum! I’ve made a basic mockup of my classic roblox inspired game and i wanted to share it with the public. the game will recieve more updates and many new features in a couple days, but for now, i want to know if theres anything else i should change.

CTRL to shiftlock. trust me. it helps.

(game published on main account)

for those without time, heres how it works:
intermission for 20 seconds
zombies will spawn in graves near players at random intervals and chase them
game ends after 120 seconds (as of now)
difficulty goes up (zombies spawn more frequently, game gets foggier or darker)
intermission repeats


I think the time to kill is too long, especially at point blank range. I found that the shotgun deals some reasonable damage for mid to close range but is ineffective when you get too close because firing it will allow the zombies to catch up to you. The knife is a safer and more reliable close-range weapon but also deals very little damage and likely won’t be able to save you if the zombies get close enough to punch you. In my short playtest I didn’t find the pistol or baseball bat very useful because they had very low damage and high cooldown time. I think you should modify most of the existing weapons to deal more damage (particularly the baseball bat) because at the moment there isn’t really anything to compete with the amount of damage the zombies can dish out in one punch.


i actually should have mentioned that i will add different roles in later updates. each role gets one weapon and they have advantages and disadvantages. (e.g higher walkspeed but lower damage)
some roles get coins if they survive, while some roles get coins based on how many zombies they kill.

how does this sound?

(p.s baseball bat damage is now 30 per hit, while pistol headshot damage is 30 aswell)

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I think it might work as long as the roles are balanced correctly.

The baseball bat is better now, but I think you might be able to increase the damage even more. Personally I would adjust the damage so that a close encounter with a single zombie feels like it’s stacked heavily in the player’s favour. That way, it’s at least somewhat viable when a larger group is attacking you. That’s just my opinion though; I don’t know what the other stats of the role that’s going to get the bat are.

As for the pistol, you might consider adding some kind of indication when you get a headshot so that it’s more clear that the game has that mechanic.

A couple of other random things:

  • I forgot to mention this in my original post, but you can drop tools with backspace.
  • Just now I found that you can get onto the roof of one of the houses by jumping out the window and the zombies won’t know how to get to you.

music: 10/10 fire
anims and realism: seems a bit all over the place, choose a style; classic materials, retro, or realistic? i suggest going full retro, but use future lighting, similar to the aesthetic of your other smoothie game.
difficulty: too few zombies that take too long to kill.
the idea of defending a base while not staying in one place is contradictory.
add ways to defend a building, maybe traps or boarding it up.
add an arcade-ish gimmick, maybe a new weapon every 20 zombs you kill? the weapon that killed the last one gets swapped with another random one.
can we play together rq?

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yeah ill get on the game. didnt think i would see anyone who had played smoothie blitz on this topic lol

i made the thumbnail say “dont stay in one place” because zombies will pop out of graves nearest to you, but you’re right

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i’m on rn, talk more in-game. cya there!

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UPDATE (with many ideas from @darthtintu and @fungi3432!):

  • Kills are MUCH easier now! Bat kills average zombie in 2 hits, and other tools kill in one. Make sure you get a headshot, or else the kill won’t be in one shot.

  • Blood! Zombies will now emit blood based on damage taken.

  • Boards! Boards have been placed around the map so zombies don’t have any disadvantages against players atop buildings.

  • Difficulty cap removed! The game will get endlessly more difficult until you simply can’t handle it. (darkness and fog are capped, though.)

Board placement, loot boxes, and many other features will be added in future updates!

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tree camping is still an issue, i can just idle there and win. good start on the boards and damage! make the zombies feel more like a horde than a gang of competing pathfinders by varying their walkspeeds and pathfindingradiuses. don’t forget combos and weapon changing! well done!!

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How should i avoid tree camping? I wouldn’t like to just make trunks non-collide.
(P.S what do you mean by varying walkspeeds? As in per type or just random for each zombie?)

add a random modifier to the base speed. also make trees too far to jump to from roofs. also clean up blood after some time and hide nametags and health (immersion). you’re cooking so far!!


i feel like theres a little too many trees for this :grimacing: also might look weird

blood droplets not despawning is a problem with the engine i think

you can then do this instead

the semi transparent part should be fully transparent now it’ll be realistic while preventing that bug


i added like 2 things idk i just wanted to bump the post

  • music changes after wave/difficulty 14

  • zombie names and health are hidden after difficulty 12

  • pistol bullets will penetrate zombies

  • sprinting

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i dont care to spend my life savings on adding a video to the thumbnails, so this is forum exclusive ig (might be very low quality. epilepsy warning)

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Make a free private server and set your own difficulty through the “/set X” command in chat.

edit: who did this :angry: