i’m on rn, talk more in-game. cya there!
UPDATE (with many ideas from @darthtintu and @fungi3432!):
Kills are MUCH easier now! Bat kills average zombie in 2 hits, and other tools kill in one. Make sure you get a headshot, or else the kill won’t be in one shot.
Blood! Zombies will now emit blood based on damage taken.
Boards! Boards have been placed around the map so zombies don’t have any disadvantages against players atop buildings.
Difficulty cap removed! The game will get endlessly more difficult until you simply can’t handle it. (darkness and fog are capped, though.)
Board placement, loot boxes, and many other features will be added in future updates!
tree camping is still an issue, i can just idle there and win. good start on the boards and damage! make the zombies feel more like a horde than a gang of competing pathfinders by varying their walkspeeds and pathfindingradiuses. don’t forget combos and weapon changing! well done!!
How should i avoid tree camping? I wouldn’t like to just make trunks non-collide.
(P.S what do you mean by varying walkspeeds? As in per type or just random for each zombie?)
add a random modifier to the base speed. also make trees too far to jump to from roofs. also clean up blood after some time and hide nametags and health (immersion). you’re cooking so far!!
i feel like theres a little too many trees for this also might look weird
blood droplets not despawning is a problem with the engine i think
you can then do this instead
the semi transparent part should be fully transparent now it’ll be realistic while preventing that bug
i added like 2 things idk i just wanted to bump the post
music changes after wave/difficulty 14
zombie names and health are hidden after difficulty 12
pistol bullets will penetrate zombies
Make a free private server and set your own difficulty through the “/set X” command in chat.
edit: who did this
edit 2: the dislikes are at 3 now. if your gonna dislike the game the least you can do is send me some feedback
honestly really fun but there is alot of room for improvement
my list of things to change/do:
Better Map
Gun Ui
Better bullet vfx (Use beams to make it look like they arent hitscan)
Gun muzzle flash
Better sounds
Round display
thanks, most things are subject to change. im going for a more classic style, so the raycast bullets will probably stay as parts
may i ask that you go more in-depth with your feedback? what can be changed about the sounds? what’s wrong with the current map?
if you are going for a classic style then the map is not amazing, it looks very plasticy, and the buildings are not great, i would use studs for textures personally, but its up to you. What im trying to say is, if your going for a classic style, make the houses similar to original roblox house:
(not a great image but im just trying to show you what i mean)
The map also has some errors in it:
also, the interiors of the buildings are lacking, add furniture and such to make the city feel more alive.
the sounds are over used in many games, which is not a big deal, but it just makes your game stand out less.
visual effects
-please add some muzzle flash
what muzzle flash is
-you can make this with a particle emitter and pointlight
–add effects for the bullet impacting the ground.zombies, ete
-possibly add hitmarkers?
more stuff to change:
-like i said before, a menu where you can buy different weapons, create lobbies, and set custom difficulties for the game.
-when all players die, it should reset the game, instead of having to wait for the round to end.
-also, zombies shouldn’t despawn at the end of a round, you should have to kill all zombies then the round ends.
make some UI please
-the gun should not have infinite ammo, which also introduces the need for an ammo counter ui,
-also the ui above the zombies head is not great, i get you are going for a classic style, but it is just a little too basic for me. this ones not a big deal just something i wanted to say.
bugs i found
-all zombies but default zombie type will try to attack you while dead.
thats kinda it i know i spent a whole hour yapping about your game but i hope this helps
tysm! i am definitely going to add loot boxes with ammo and boards. guns DO have a spotlight for a short period when you fire, but i havent added any particles yet
when should the zombies stop spawning then?
each round should spawn a certain amount of zombies, and for the next round to start all the zombies of the round should have to be dead
Grenades! Blow up your undead foes in 2 seconds, but use them sparingly! Make a private server for access to other grenade types, such as sticky and permanent.
New private server commands! As stated above, you can create a private server to use commands such as /give, /remove, /god, and more. Chat ‘/cmds’ for a list of available commands.
Very sorry for the wait on boarding mechanics and loot boxes They will be coming soon!
BOARDING MECHANICS!!! You will now recieve a payment of wooden boards for surviving rounds! Use these to blockade passages and stay away from the zombies.
uhm vending machines for health and grenades now (im definitely not trying to bump this post)
added tons of new weapons. make a private server to access commands and try them out.
also optimized most things to run better at high difficulties and spawn rates
hey guys poly here. account went on hold so i made a new one cuz im lazy. LOTS of things have changed in the last 4 months so i’ll just give you a long list.
better anims, weapon upgrades, ammo, emotes, more commands, vending machines, zombie loot (health sodas, ammo, boards), mobile + console support, better songs, item saving, shiftlock settings, settings menu, music playeJUST PLAY THE GAME IM NOT WRITING ALL THIS
darthtintu if ur reading this tysm for the support in the early stages it means a lot