Opinions on Game Mechanics

Hello everyone. Recently I put out a poll for a new game I’m working on (the name remains hidden for now). I would like your opinions on the mechanics that I’ve implemented into a testing place.

Essentially how the controls feel, the look of the UI, interaction, etc. and any improvements I can make with the current system.

CONTROLS - Settings will be implemented in the future
WASD - Move
Right Mouse Button - ADS (Available now for ADS testing. No guns implemented yet)
Q/E - Lean Left/Right
Left Shift - Sprint
Tab - Open/Close Inventory UI (UI non-functional)

Note: There is currently no sound, but it will be added in the near future. I went through some extra trouble in making the output console look nice.

The controls are very responsive, good work on that, the UI is pretty much the standard inventory for action type survival games. I also hope that there will be an option to choose the default side on where the camera is because it’s currently the right side. I also ran into a few bugs such as the lean sometimes getting stuck on the left or right pose when I’m not holding Q or E anymore. The walking sometimes bugs out and becomes unresponsive for a good 10 seconds, you might want to look into that.

This is unrelated but what did you do to the water? My screen did not get the blue overlay and my character did not swim(possibly because you disabled the swimming state of the humanoid)


I believe the CFrame bugs out the humanoid for water. I intend to implement custom swimming in the future and maybe a completely new character system.

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When I walked off the map and died, my cursor disappeared.

Also, just a point of personal preference, but the camera blur that occurs when you sprint is a little overbearing.

This is looking really nice!

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I’ll make sure to edit the blur. I may have left the GUI’s Reset on Death property to enabled so I’ll be sure to fix it. Thank you.

The Mechanics are pretty nice but you should have it to where when you hold shift that the screen shaking and zoom out doesn’t happen yet till you begin moving since it looks quite odd for the screen to be shaking while just standing still. Other than that, looks pretty nice.

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