Opinions on GUI

I would like to know your opinions on this GUI and how I could improve it.




Tbh, we are not sure what to-do with the huge amount of text at the bottom.
It’s painful.

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Add colour, don’t make it plain white. For the second image, look how much empty space you have below compared to the first one. Make it stand out more with colours and/or more detail.

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It’s very plain and basic, there isn’t anything that makes it stand out from a normal GUI. Add more colors and details to make it less dull.


It is for a Cafe System, what type of color scheme should we go with?

I envisioned a baby blue for the top. Give me a moment while I find an example

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Holy. That was fast.
Thanks for your great feedback so far!

Rightio. Thanks for that, we are just looking for ideas.

Update to the Gui:

But no update for

I think making the smaller text’s in the GUI itself bigger should help more more specifically in the credits itself as an example.

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Definitely an improvement, but still needs some colors to make it stand out


What color scheme should we go for though?

Maybe some light colors may help a lot, Light blue may look good with it.

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It is for a Cafe/Restaurant System by the way.

Look at the cafe building. If it is bright colours then you should stick with bright colours (blue, green, red) if it more halloween themed and dark then you should go for (crimson, black, orange). Depends on your cafe.

This is okay for a first try but there are many areas that can be improved.

  • The padding isn’t so great, it doesn’t look like the icons are centered.
  • Topbar textcolor is hard to tell apart from background
  • There is a ton of empty space

Also, rounded corners might fit the UI style

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I feel like you should have both the top and bottom rounded, but have the top still be straight on the bottom face. Maybe some shadows to the UI.



Oh, yeah.
Now, beacuse I’m an idiot; how do I add shadows?

Well, there are a few options for shadows. But the most common of what I know is to just add a frame darker from the frame placed above it. Then size the frame on top smaller from the one on the bottom.

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By the way, the color scheme can’t match a designed cafe theme, as we are selling this product for the public.