Opinions On my 1920's themed Berlin Outskirts?

It’s a project I’ve been working on for around 3 months now. I will most likely release for a Weimar Germany themed group.

:de: Here are some pictures:

I want to know your opinions. PLEASE BE HONEST


I think they’re pretty good. But I think you should add more detail in the streets and in buildings, or else it won’t look like it’s occupied. Your terrain is also too flat. Your roads can be flat, but I think you should add some hills or anything else to spice up your terrain.

Love the lighting


I like the buildings and style, it really fits on the theme.

One thing I would recommend though is that you add details to the roads and paths. They are a bit pale and not that interesting. Other than that, I love it.

Good job!

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Ok so know I know The roads and terrain are one major thing I need to work on.

Thanks for the feedback!

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Maybe add some of the following:

  • Farms
  • Sidewalks
  • Hay Bales
    Has - NPCs
  • Cars

And some other elements to liven it up a bit.

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It looks really clean. Although on the square image the door on the house has a weird color. Everything else looks really nice in my opinion.

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Looks great! Overall it looks awesome. Maybe tone down the lighting a bit, it is a bit too bright for me personally.


Looks good! Keep up the good work

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It looks great! Here are my two comments:

  1. Look at your textures, their fidelity/rendering/quality varies. For example, look at the terrain and the tables or at the flower and the bush.

  2. make more work of the terrain, try to make more interesting. Add hills, etc. Play around a bit and see what you can do.

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Ok, I pretty much have all the feedback I need, thank you for telling me what I can improve on. But feel free to give more feedback either way!

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