Opinions on my frist render?

I made this for my new game, what do you think? Its going to be a exploration/horror game. But an unexpected horror game. The game icon isn’t supposed to seem like a horror game, only an exploration game.

I redid it, please refer to this one and not the other…


The sun (or whatever light that is) seems too bright IMO. Maybe make the light dissipate a little quicker or reduce its brightness from the center?


It’s too saturated and bright… The combinations of colors aren’t too good (I feel like Pink and Blue doesn’t match), and you can clearly see the water getting cut.
But with all honesty, it looks great for a first render.


Ill try that out and send it back ltr

Okay, should I go for more natural colors? Also ill make it less saturated.

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I don’t do rendering but to me as someone said the sun is too bright, I get the aesthetic you were going for but it’s just too bright, otherwise I think it looks good

Is this made in blender? If so turn up your samples. Text is a bit annoying.

k ill send the new one soon, thanks!

yea it is, and ill try that out!

looks pretty good to me but the bright lighting is kinda giving me a migraine :sob: :sob:

id advice you to turn down the brightness a tiny bit and you’ll be good. (also im assuming ure going to delete our watermark for the real thing)

This render looks great! Especially for your first one! How long did this take to create? It’s very cool and unique for Roblox!

Its like im looking at a flashbang, turn down the brightness and the suns brightness

Yes i will! There will be no watermark, many people said it was too bright, so I deffinetly need to fix it💀 thanks bro!

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I did it in a day, but i kept changing it so total maybe 3 days…

okay will do, thanks for the advice!

I redid it using your suggestions, what do you think now?


it looks wayy better! good job and for a first render thats very impressive, the grass thing caught me off guard though, might need a little work

The grass needs to be fixed for the new one? and thanks!!

My personal opinion is that the sun should be at sunset or sunrise if the focus is the scenery.
Of course, this isn’t objective, however try changing the time of day and see what you think of it.

I’m a little confused, this is blender there is no time of day setting… Also I didnt put the sun lower because it would wash out the sky too much…