looking for thoughts on the menu!
I have a feeling it’s bland but no clue on how to improve on it.
- Camera does follow cursor
- Rain ambience plays in the backround
I have a feeling it’s bland but no clue on how to improve on it.
Its the text, its too plain. Make some text that fits the mood of the game, also the rain ambience is a good idea.
im not much of a GUI designer but you can prob try centering the gui and playing around with the font and add other options like settings button etc… and maybe uicorners other then that its a good menu
Thanks will see what I can do!
Background, mouse follow and rain background noice is a win my man. But i have to say the Title and the Button look too plain in contrast with all the awesomeness in the background, gotta put that up to par because its impossible not to compare them. Overall great starting point!
Definitely spent too much time on the scenery (worth it though, looks amazing) and not enough on the UI, I’m not very good at making GUIs myself, but I can usually make something decent by looking at references from other games.
(A cool website I found for finding references: https://interfaceingame.com)