Opinions on my GFX

What are your opinions on my GFX?
Anything that would help would be great.

And yes, this is for a group i’m working at.


The lighting is decent although the character position looks kinda weird

Could you emphasize on what looks weird about it.

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There is lol, look on the bottom left.

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But I don’t care, because it isn’t being used lol, also who ever used it wouldn’t have this map

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I own the group lol, I decided I don’t want it

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Yes sure, as long as theres no commercial use.

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the character’s legs look weird, and the chairs seem to be outside the grass. you can barely see the characters eyes, and i think the legs are too reflective. have 3d clothing, and make sure to edit your gfx.Screen Shot 2021-06-15 at 10.03.28 AM
lo behold, the infinite abyss outside the cafe thingy.

the crates just look too weird there, as do the cashier or kiosk things.


And that my friend, is why I didn’t use it lol


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Overall the pose looks kind of weird and the shadows look really sharp softer shadows would look better.

That looks fantastic, so much realism too!

The lighting is quite odd though, other than that it’s amazing!

I think the lighting and environment look fantastic. However, I think the arm position looks a bit unnatural because nobody usually holds their arms in front of them like that. I also suggest adding a bit more to the background, because the cafe (if it is a cafe) looks like it is floating in the air. Otherwise, this is a great GFX.

The lighting is pretty good, I’d recommend adding in some textures for the floor. Other than that, good job.

The arm pose does look a bit unnatural, the scale settings were possibly set a bit too high on the forward position.

It’s good although I think it needs more ppl it seems very quite and lonely also you should watermark this so nobody can steal it