Opinions on my logo?

XD just noticed that, thanks for pointing that out! :rofl:

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it was a mistake not a troll, trust me

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Thanks for the opinion, It was just a test logo and I just chose a random name


Try giving details/lighten up the wavy thingy on the text, for me it’s like a desert, corect me if I’m wrong lol

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I used paint(dot)net to make this logo

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Oh wow, just that? Looks like photoshop!

I know it’s not a troll, I’m saying when I was browsing and find saw the title I thought it was a troll.

To be honest this is a very good logo but not perfect. You should make the logo more detailed, and you can add “pistols” above because it would like wild west. To be exact you should :

  1. Make the “text” color brighter or darker

  2. Add pistols above the “text”

  3. change the position of the “cactus”

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